Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Impactroom for managers, marketeers and mothers*

For more information on management and leadership turn to Impactroom for managers, marketeers and mothers* (http://www.impactroom.blogspot.com)
Issues that are adressed at the Impactroom management blog are for example: What is the difference between a manager and a leader ? Should we read expensive managementguru books or just pass them around as gifts ? Are excellent male managers better fathers ? Why are managers spending more time with their colleagues than with their own family ? About Mothers*? Mothers are managers by nature, although they don't see it that way most of the time. Important lessons are to be learned from women with children. Women are the future topmanagers.
About the author: Gert Van Mol is a manager for The Wall Street Journal Europe, a product of Dow Jones. The Impactroom management blog is part of the Creative Management Program of OMEC, the Oxford Management Education Center.


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